It's the finale, the party must take down The Loving Queen and escape before the massive spell takes effect.
In the hope of repairing their starship the party arrive on the planet Ryloth, home to the Twi'lek people.
Four padawan Jedi lost on a simple training mission are separated from their masters, from the republic and from the clone troopers when the devastating galaxy-wide Order 66 is issued. Tablestory presents a Fantasy Flight Games Star Wars Roleplaying Adventure.
Featuring: BoosterGreg, Cord, Orcish, and Pumpkinberry with GM: BradWOTO
Dunlendings ambush the party and a fight for their lives is upon them.
We're going on an adventure, and you're invited to join our fellowship. Join our cast of roleplayers in a homebrew setting of Lord of the Rings in the greatest story never told. The realm of Eriador lies on the brink of outright collapse as the shadows grow in the east, what can but a few with the spark of adventure do amidst it all?
The party must take on the powerful and deadly Loving Queen in the catacombs under the Evervalian Castle.
Featuring Pumpkinberry, BradWOTO, Wacksteven, Myre, and GM'd by Mythematic
Everyone talks about the show in a round table discussion.
The group escape Cxy-Ran on Seelos and head towards the planet Illum to locate some kyber crystals.
Four padawan Jedi lost on a simple training mission are separated from their masters, from the republic and from the clone troopers when the devastating galaxy-wide Order 66 is issued. Tablestory presents a Fantasy Flight Games Star Wars Roleplaying Adventure.
Featuring: BoosterGreg, Cord, Orcish, and Pumpkinberry with GM: BradWOTO
With death all around them, the company speaks to two mysterious figures and how to protect two children.
We're going on an adventure, and you're invited to join our fellowship. Join our cast of roleplayers in a homebrew setting of Lord of the Rings in the greatest story never told. The realm of Eriador lies on the brink of outright collapse as the shadows grow in the east, what can but a few with the spark of adventure do amidst it all?
Featuring: Aaron Black, Fairlight_Excalibur, Mirggles, Myre, Pumpkinberry, and Wacksteven: Loremaster of Mount Doom.
The party explore the twisted magical tunnels underneath Evervale Castle.
Featuring Pumpkinberry, BradWOTO, Wacksteven, Myre, and GM'd by Mythematic
The party are deep inside an ancient sith temple, filled with danger and the influence of the dark side of the force.
Four padawan Jedi lost on a simple training mission are separated from their masters, from the republic and from the clone troopers when the devastating galaxy-wide Order 66 is issued. Tablestory presents a Fantasy Flight Games Star Wars Roleplaying Adventure.
Featuring: BoosterGreg, Cord, Orcish, and Pumpkinberry with GM: BradWOTO
The company learns of the origins of the Orcs sent to hunt them, and arrives at the Southborn farmstead.
We're going on an adventure, and you're invited to join our fellowship. Join our cast of roleplayers in a homebrew setting of Lord of the Rings in the greatest story never told. The realm of Eriador lies on the brink of outright collapse as the shadows grow in the east, what can but a few with the spark of adventure do amidst it all?
Featuring: Aaron Black, Fairlight_Excalibur, Mirggles, Myre, Pumpkinberry, and Wacksteven: Loremaster of Mount Doom.