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Tag: tabletop

Spellwind – Ep. 11 – Sworn No More

The party enact and elaborate plan that involves lots of enemy soldiers, griffons, ships and a Buttocks. A Godking strangles the use of the Arcane in an ever expanding crusade in this homebrew world sculpted by volatile magic and cosmic mystery. Spellwind is a Dungeons & Dragons 5e actual play featuring resistance, eco-terrorism, propaganda, and the quest for truth. Featuring Pumpkinberry, BradWOTO, Wacksteven, Myre, and GM'd by Mythematic

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Leech Revolution – Ep. 6 – Well of Sadness

The Anarch vampires bare their teeth in preparation for a battle that's sure to shape the future of Manchester. As above, so below. Læce is a dark and gritty Vampire The Masquerade actual play centering around four chaotic vampires with a lust for freedom, autonomy, and blood. Starring BradWOTO, Mirggles, PeachyPixel8, Pumpkinberry, TuesdayGrey and guest GM GamingFTL.

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Spellwind – Ep. 10 – Blockade

The group scout out the blockade south of Ghalfish. Ty and Smith scout out the encampment while Varsha and Djett come up with a plan of action. A Godking strangles the use of the Arcane in an ever expanding crusade in this homebrew world sculpted by volatile magic and cosmic mystery. Spellwind is a Dungeons & Dragons 5e actual play featuring resistance, eco-terrorism, propaganda, and the quest for truth. Featuring Pumpkinberry, BradWOTO, Wacksteven, Myre, and GM'd by Mythematic

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Leech Revolution – Ep. 5 – Bitter Blood

Darius raises an Anarch army at the White Horse in preparation for a war against the camarilla. As above, so below. Læce is a dark and gritty Vampire The Masquerade actual play centering around four chaotic vampires with a lust for freedom, autonomy, and blood. Starring BradWOTO, Mirggles, PeachyPixel8, Pumpkinberry, TuesdayGrey and guest GM GamingFTL.

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Spellwind – Ep. 9 – It Felt Like Fire

The party are back to full strength and finally head out towards Ghalfish. Along the way a night of camping leads to some heavy conversations. A Godking strangles the use of the Arcane in an ever expanding crusade in this homebrew world sculpted by volatile magic and cosmic mystery. Spellwind is a Dungeons & Dragons 5e actual play featuring resistance, eco-terrorism, propaganda, and the quest for truth. Featuring Pumpkinberry, BradWOTO, Wacksteven, Myre, and GM'd by Mythematic

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Leech Revolution – Ep. 4 – Take Her Freedom

Revelations abound as The Waitress and Darius meet with the Caterer and Lake continues to investigate the murders on behalf of her sire. As above, so below. Læce is a dark and gritty Vampire The Masquerade actual play centering around four chaotic vampires with a lust for freedom, autonomy, and blood. Starring BradWOTO, Mirggles, PeachyPixel8, Pumpkinberry, TuesdayGrey and guest GM GamingFTL.

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