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Tag: Mythematic

Rise of the Apprentice – Ep. 7 – Chase

A starship chase has begun! Can the party escape the clutches of the empire once again? Four padawan Jedi lost on a simple training mission are separated from their masters, from the republic and from the clone troopers when the devastating galaxy-wide Order 66 is issued. Tablestory presents a Fantasy Flight Games Star Wars Roleplaying Adventure. Featuring: BoosterGreg, Cord, Orcish, and Pumpkinberry with GM: BradWOTO

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Rise of the Apprentice – Ep. 6 – Shiplifting

Tensions are high and the empire are hot on the tails of our heroes. Can they escape dark Umbara unscathed? Four padawan Jedi lost on a simple training mission are separated from their masters, from the republic and from the clone troopers when the devastating galaxy-wide Order 66 is issued. Tablestory presents a Fantasy Flight Games Star Wars Roleplaying Adventure. Featuring: BoosterGreg, Cord, Orcish, and Pumpkinberry with GM: BradWOTO

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Rise of the Apprentice – Ep. 5 – Cornered

The party have split and the new Galactic Empire are hot on the tail of our heroes after a simple snatch and grab goes awry. Four padawan Jedi lost on a simple training mission are separated from their masters, from the republic and from the clone troopers when the devastating galaxy-wide Order 66 is issued. Tablestory presents a Fantasy Flight Games Star Wars Roleplaying Adventure. Featuring: Bizcotto, Cord, Orcish, and Pumpkinberry with GM: BradWOTO

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Rise of the Apprentice – Ep. 4 – Decision

The party have encountered a group of clone troopers and are going to have to blast their way out of the situation. Four padawan Jedi lost on a simple training mission are separated from their masters, from the republic and from the clone troopers when the devastating galaxy-wide Order 66 is issued. Tablestory presents a Fantasy Flight Games Star Wars Roleplaying Adventure. Featuring: Bizcotto, Cord, Orcish, and Pumpkinberry with GM: BradWOTO

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Rise of the Apprentice – Ep. 3 – Hopp

The group must infiltrate a spaceport to steal from the imperials, but not before negotiating for some much needed droid parts. Four padawan Jedi lost on a simple training mission are separated from their masters, from the republic and from the clone troopers when the devastating galaxy-wide Order 66 is issued. Tablestory presents a Fantasy Flight Games Star Wars Roleplaying Adventure. Featuring: Bizcotto, Cord, Orcish, and Pumpkinberry with GM: BradWOTO

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Rise of the Apprentice – Ep. 2 – Hiding in Plain Sight

6 months later and the group have established themselves on the shadow planet of Umbara. They must arrange a covert illegal deal to sell and trade their old weapons. Four padawan Jedi lost on a simple training mission are separated from their masters, from the republic and from the clone troopers when the devastating galaxy-wide Order 66 is issued. Tablestory presents a Fantasy Flight Games Star Wars Roleplaying Adventure. Featuring: Bizcotto, Cord, Orcish, and Pumpkinberry with GM: BradWOTO

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