The party are hired by a merchant to accompany and protect him and his wares on the road to Jeyrus.
Mistlight is a Gothic horror 5e homebrew about four adventurers' journey as they navigate the mysterious and otherworldly mist blanketing the land. Featuring Fairlight_Excalibur, BrutalBri, Leahviathan, DisbeArex, and Easy-Going GM BradWOTO.
After venturing deep into the mist, the party are halfway back to Kull when they are attacked by spore covered Myconids.
Mistlight is a Gothic horror 5e homebrew about four adventurers' journey as they navigate the mysterious and otherworldly mist blanketing the land. Featuring Fairlight_Excalibur, BrutalBri, Leahviathan, DisbeArex, and Easy-Going GM BradWOTO.
Murlin is back, but he came back wrong. Fire wrestles with her sanity. Fix ponders a great demon war and Will discovers some important things about his history.
Mistlight is a Gothic horror 5e homebrew about four adventurers' journey as they navigate the mysterious and otherworldly mist blanketing the land. Featuring Fairlight_Excalibur, BrutalBri, Leahviathan, DisbeArex, and Easy-Going GM BradWOTO.
Will awakens from his reverie and the party continue on to an ancient lost village where huge revelations are discovered.
Mistlight is a Gothic horror 5e homebrew about four adventurers' journey as they navigate the mysterious and otherworldly mist blanketing the land. Featuring Fairlight_Excalibur, BrutalBri, Leahviathan, DisbeArex, and Easy-Going GM BradWOTO.
Will awakens from his reverie and the party continue on to an ancient lost village where huge revelations are discovered.
Mistlight is a Gothic horror 5e homebrew about four adventurers' journey as they navigate the mysterious and otherworldly mist blanketing the land. Featuring Fairlight_Excalibur, BrutalBri, Leahviathan, DisbeArex, and Easy-Going GM BradWOTO.
Will falls into unconsciousness and the party find themselves lost in a maze of the Mist's design.
Mistlight is a Gothic horror 5e homebrew about four adventurers' journey as they navigate the mysterious and otherworldly mist blanketing the land. Featuring Fairlight_Excalibur, BrutalBri, Leahviathan, DisbeArex, and Easy-Going GM BradWOTO.
Our group once more head into the Mist. Questions are answered but even more are proposed...
Mistlight is a Gothic horror 5e homebrew about four adventurers' journey as they navigate the mysterious and otherworldly mist blanketing the land. Featuring Fairlight_Excalibur, BrutalBri, Leahviathan, DisbeArex, and Easy-Going GM BradWOTO.
It's time for the party to plan their next move, prepare themselves and head out for the next part of our adventure. But first Will has a revealing story.
Mistlight is a Gothic horror 5e homebrew about four adventurers' journey as they navigate the mysterious and otherworldly mist blanketing the land. Featuring Fairlight_Excalibur, BrutalBri, Leahviathan, DisbeArex, and Easy-Going GM BradWOTO.
With the town of Somme's Point recovering from the attack the party set out to tie up loose ends.
Mistlight is a Gothic horror 5e homebrew about four adventurers' journey as they navigate the mysterious and otherworldly mist blanketing the land. Featuring Fairlight_Excalibur, BrutalBri, Leahviathan, DisbeArex, and Easy-Going GM BradWOTO.
As the battle at Somme's Point rages on the group take on a set of dangerous Drow twins.
Mistlight is a Gothic horror 5e homebrew about four adventurers' journey as they navigate the mysterious and otherworldly mist blanketing the land. Featuring Fairlight_Excalibur, BrutalBri, Leahviathan, DisbeArex, and Easy-Going GM BradWOTO.