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Tag: Dungeons and Dragons

Dying Order – Ep. 34 – Death Appears in Black and White

After a defeat at the hands of a water god the main group must decide what to do next and how to proceed with each of the doors around them. When the gods deem mortals too powerful, they decree a race between their Avatar and the mortals to determine their worth. This race is the final command of the gods to their mortal counterparts. This is their Dying order. Dying Order is a D&D5e homebrew actual play with GM BradWOTO and featuring DisbeArex, KatiePetersPlays, Pokket, and Pumpkinberry. Return to the world of Lacrin Sundays starting Sept 8th.

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Facade – Ep. 6 – A Matter of Taste

Quinn and Remy question Dr. Copeland and she proposes something very strange to Quinn. Professor Charles and Max speak to some of the VIPs. Explore the depths of corruption, redemption, and salvation while the world is in chaos. What happens when the illusion of our reality crumbles? Will you see through the Facade? Featuring Pumpkinberry, Nikatine, JayBritton, AmeliaTyler, Temp0, and GM of Doom Wacksteven.

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Dying Order – Ep. 33 – Freedom

The Arcanii Inquisition B Team are wounded, wearied and weakened when they encounter an old comrade and face the most difficult decision of their lives. When the gods deem mortals too powerful, they decree a race between their Avatar and the mortals to determine their worth. This race is the final command of the gods to their mortal counterparts. This is their Dying order. Dying Order is a D&D5e homebrew actual play with GM BradWOTO and featuring DisbeArex, KatiePetersPlays, Pokket, and Pumpkinberry. Return to the world of Lacrin Sundays starting Sept 8th.

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GONE – Ep 10 – Going Home

A 0.0014648 chance. Who are we but our memories? What if our memories are wrong? GONE is an episodic, surreal thriller actual play using the new Nibiru system about identity, memory, and what makes us who we are. Featuring BradWOTO, Elspeth, JonSandman, KatiePetersPlays, Ezekiel_III, ClassyKatie, and narrator of mood Pumpkinberry.

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Facade – Ep. 5 – VIP

Quinn and Remy try to work through what is happening. Professor Charles begins to question his own actions. Dr. Copeland cuts to the heart of the matter. Max tries to get into contact with Marek. Explore the depths of corruption, redemption, and salvation while the world is in chaos. What happens when the illusion of our reality crumbles? Will you see through the Facade? Featuring Pumpkinberry, Nikatine, JayBritton, AmeliaTyler, Temp0, and GM of Doom Wacksteven.

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Dying Order – Ep. 32 – Vengeance

The Arcanii Inquisition B Team continue their journey through the sunken ruins of Thelmecia on the trail of the enigmatic Dragonfly crew. When the gods deem mortals too powerful, they decree a race between their Avatar and the mortals to determine their worth. This race is the final command of the gods to their mortal counterparts. This is their Dying order. Dying Order is a D&D5e homebrew actual play with GM BradWOTO and featuring DisbeArex, KatiePetersPlays, Pokket, and Pumpkinberry. Return to the world of Lacrin Sundays starting Sept 8th.

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GONE – Ep 9 – The Majestic Gazelle

Dex ponders who to trust. Blake takes a trip. Autumn changes. Who are we but our memories? What if our memories are wrong? GONE is an episodic, surreal thriller actual play using the new Nibiru system about identity, memory, and what makes us who we are. Featuring BradWOTO, Elspeth, JonSandman, KatiePetersPlays, Ezekiel_III, ClassyKatie, and narrator of mood Pumpkinberry.

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Facade – Ep. 4 – Hello Goodbye

After opening the doors in the stone hallway, the group sees things very differently. Remy meets an old acquaintance. Quinn sees Max in a new light. Professor Charles tries to get away from everything. Dr. Copeland councils them against troubles. Explore the depths of corruption, redemption, and salvation while the world is in chaos. What happens when the illusion of our reality crumbles? Will you see through the Facade? Featuring Pumpkinberry, Nikatine, JayBritton, AmeliaTyler, Temp0, and GM of Doom Wacksteven.

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Dying Order – Ep. 31 – Axis Mundi

The group are asked a set of existential questions and must go on a personal journey before embarking on the next part of their quest. When the gods deem mortals too powerful, they decree a race between their Avatar and the mortals to determine their worth. This race is the final command of the gods to their mortal counterparts. This is their Dying order. Dying Order is a D&D5e homebrew actual play with GM BradWOTO and featuring DisbeArex, KatiePetersPlays, Pokket, and Pumpkinberry. Return to the world of Lacrin Sundays starting Sept 8th.

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Facade – Ep. 3 – Open the Door

Unexpectedly in the apartment of the Professor and stuck in a harsh blizzard, the characters start to lose their composure and try to get out. Explore the depths of corruption, redemption, and salvation while the world is in chaos. What happens when the illusion of our reality crumbles? Will you see through the Facade? Featuring Pumpkinberry, Nikatine, JayBritton, AmeliaTyler, Temp0, and GM of Doom Wacksteven.

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