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Tag: Dungeons and Dragons

Dying Order – Ep. 47 – It’s Not Over Yet

After spending a year inside of an illusory world, the party break free and return to the true mortal realm of Lacrin. Now devoid of any magic and cut off from each other they must find a way to complete their last quest. When the gods deem mortals too powerful, they decree a race between their Avatar and the mortals to determine their worth. This race is the final command of the gods to their mortal counterparts. This is their Dying order. Dying Order is a D&D5e homebrew actual play with GM BradWOTO and featuring DisbeArex, KatiePetersPlays, Pokket, and Pumpkinberry. Return to the world of Lacrin Sundays starting Sept 8th.

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Dying Order – Ep. 46 – The End

The epic conclusive fight with Deavaki continues as the group battle for their freedom and the fate of everything and everyone. When the gods deem mortals too powerful, they decree a race between their Avatar and the mortals to determine their worth. This race is the final command of the gods to their mortal counterparts. This is their Dying order. Dying Order is a D&D5e homebrew actual play with GM BradWOTO and featuring DisbeArex, KatiePetersPlays, Pokket, and Pumpkinberry. Return to the world of Lacrin Sundays starting Sept 8th.

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Dying Order – Ep. 45 – Deavaki

The group finish their ten week travel along the crystal path and at long last confront Deavaki. When the gods deem mortals too powerful, they decree a race between their Avatar and the mortals to determine their worth. This race is the final command of the gods to their mortal counterparts. This is their Dying order. Dying Order is a D&D5e homebrew actual play with GM BradWOTO and featuring DisbeArex, KatiePetersPlays, Pokket, and Pumpkinberry. Return to the world of Lacrin Sundays starting Sept 8th.

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Facade – Ep. 19 – The Illusion Crumbles

While Max tries to negotiate more bullets for her gun, Ada tries to figure out how to find Hoffman, Proffesor Charles tries to reconcile his past, and Remy looks to escape with Lenny. Quinn searches for Greene and Remy. Explore the depths of corruption, redemption, and salvation while the world is in chaos. What happens when the illusion of our reality crumbles? Will you see through the Facade? Featuring Pumpkinberry, Nikatine, JayBritton, AmeliaTyler, Temp0, and GM of Doom Wacksteven.

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Dying Order – Ep. 44 – The Path

The party have a chance to rest (and maybe summon up a devil) before planning their final tactics for dealing with Deavaki. When the gods deem mortals too powerful, they decree a race between their Avatar and the mortals to determine their worth. This race is the final command of the gods to their mortal counterparts. This is their Dying order. Dying Order is a D&D5e homebrew actual play with GM BradWOTO and featuring DisbeArex, KatiePetersPlays, Pokket, and Pumpkinberry. Return to the world of Lacrin Sundays starting Sept 8th.

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Facade – Ep. 18 – Within Elysium

Remy tries to escape Elysium Within. Max, Ada, and Professor Charles try to find some bullets for Max's gun. Quinn must deal with the reality of their past. Explore the depths of corruption, redemption, and salvation while the world is in chaos. What happens when the illusion of our reality crumbles? Will you see through the Facade? Featuring Pumpkinberry, Nikatine, JayBritton, AmeliaTyler, Temp0, and GM of Doom Wacksteven.

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GONE – Ep 22 – Dex Ollied

Dex ollied when no one was watching. He really did it. Who are we but our memories? What if our memories are wrong? GONE is an episodic, surreal thriller actual play using the new Nibiru system about identity, memory, and what makes us who we are. Featuring BradWOTO, Elspeth, JonSandman, KatiePetersPlays, Ezekiel_III, ClassyKatie, and narrator of mood Pumpkinberry.

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Dying Order – Ep. 43 – Symbol

Aura and Beau find themselves no longer protected from discovery by Ahi and Suuna and Ellie race to their aid. When the gods deem mortals too powerful, they decree a race between their Avatar and the mortals to determine their worth. This race is the final command of the gods to their mortal counterparts. This is their Dying order. Dying Order is a D&D5e homebrew actual play with GM BradWOTO and featuring DisbeArex, KatiePetersPlays, Pokket, and Pumpkinberry. Return to the world of Lacrin Sundays starting Sept 8th.

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