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Tag: Dungeons and Dragons

GONE – Ep. 28 – Hello

Sometimes all we can do is carry someone's memory. Who are we but our memories? What if our memories are wrong? GONE is an episodic, surreal thriller actual play using the new Nibiru system about identity, memory, and what makes us who we are. Featuring BradWOTO, Elspeth, JonSandman, KatiePetersPlays, Ezekiel_III, ClassyKatie, and narrator of mood Pumpkinberry.

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Rime of the Frostmaiden – Ep. 2 – Whiteout

Trapped and lost in the freezing cold of Icewind Dale, the outsiders need more than a prayer to help save their lives. Icewind Dale is cold and unforgiving, along with most of the people that live there. What will a group of people do to change the fate of all of the land beyond the Spine of the World? Can they fight against winter itself? Join us at our table for the Dungeons and Dragons 5e module: Rime of the Frostmaiden. Starring Aaron Black, Mythematic, PMSProxy, Techniq, Tessachka, Wish, and GM of Doom Wacksteven.

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Dying Order – Ep. 54 – What You Think You Know

The Inquisition turn on the party in Bellona while the crew of the Ortenzia introduce themselves to the remaining party members on the ocean. When the gods deem mortals too powerful, they decree a race between their Avatar and the mortals to determine their worth. This race is the final command of the gods to their mortal counterparts. This is their Dying order. Dying Order is a D&D5e homebrew actual play with GM BradWOTO and featuring DisbeArex, KatiePetersPlays, Pokket, and Pumpkinberry. Return to the world of Lacrin Sundays starting Sept 8th.

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Leech – Ep. 6 – You Were Not Invited

In this explosive finale the characters and stories come to a dramatic close. The stakes are high as everything is finally revealed. From where does the blood flow? Læce is a dark and gritty Vampire The Masquerade actual play centering around four brooding vampires with a lust for power, status, and blood. Starring Mirggles, BradWOTO, TuesdayGrey, PeachyPixel8, Pumpkinberry, and guest GM GamingFTL

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Rime of the Frostmaiden – Ep. 1 – Does Everything Change

When someone's plan to harvest a rare resource in the north of Icewind Dale goes wrong; he'll do anything to make it happen. Icewind Dale is cold and unforgiving, along with most of the people that live there. What will a group of people do to change the fate of all of the land beyond the Spine of the World? Can they fight against winter itself? Join us at our table for the Dungeons and Dragons 5e module: Rime of the Frostmaiden. Starring Aaron Black, Mythematic, PMSProxy, Techniq, Tessachka, Wish, and GM of Doom Wacksteven.

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Dying Order – Ep. 53 – Loyalty

Suuna, Toby and Kairo set sail on the Ortenzia. While aboard they speak with two individuals that slowly reveal an important motive. In Bellona Aura, Ellie and Beau begin to track down the missing Professor Piri Panu at the behest of the Inquisition. When the gods deem mortals too powerful, they decree a race between their Avatar and the mortals to determine their worth. This race is the final command of the gods to their mortal counterparts. This is their Dying order. Dying Order is a D&D5e homebrew actual play with GM BradWOTO and featuring DisbeArex, KatiePetersPlays, Pokket, and Pumpkinberry. Return to the world of Lacrin Sundays starting Sept 8th.

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Leech – Ep. 5 – Anything for the Clan

Lionel strikes a deal. Nine makes a play. Jean finds what she's looking for, and Alex and Sophia hunt for different prey. From where does the blood flow? Læce is a dark and gritty Vampire The Masquerade actual play centering around four brooding vampires with a lust for power, status, and blood. Starring Mirggles, BradWOTO, TuesdayGrey, PeachyPixel8, Pumpkinberry, and guest GM GamingFTL

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Dying Order – Ep. 52 – Tecin

Suuna, Toby and Kairo arrive at the fishing village of Tecin and attempt to procure passage on a vessel to Alexandria. Aura, Ellie and Beau work with the Inquisition to score an meeting with a prisoner at the Fortress of Bellona. When the gods deem mortals too powerful, they decree a race between their Avatar and the mortals to determine their worth. This race is the final command of the gods to their mortal counterparts. This is their Dying order. Dying Order is a D&D5e homebrew actual play with GM BradWOTO and featuring DisbeArex, KatiePetersPlays, Pokket, and Pumpkinberry. Return to the world of Lacrin Sundays starting Sept 8th.

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Leech – Ep. 4 – Our Lives Are Forfeit

Sophia deals with a lurking danger while Alex and Nine experience an intimate evening together. Later, Nine heads out to discover a game changing reveal... From where does the blood flow? Læce is a dark and gritty Vampire The Masquerade actual play centering around four brooding vampires with a lust for power, status, and blood. Starring Mirggles, BradWOTO, TuesdayGrey, PeachyPixel8, Pumpkinberry, and guest GM GamingFTL

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Dying Order – Ep. 51 – Primal Fear

Aura finally joins Ellie and Beau in Bellona just in time for an important meeting with the Inquisitor. Suuna, Kairo and Toby begin their journey across the jungle to find a ship off the island. When the gods deem mortals too powerful, they decree a race between their Avatar and the mortals to determine their worth. This race is the final command of the gods to their mortal counterparts. This is their Dying order. Dying Order is a D&D5e homebrew actual play with GM BradWOTO and featuring DisbeArex, KatiePetersPlays, Pokket, and Pumpkinberry. Return to the world of Lacrin Sundays starting Sept 8th.

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