The party have infiltrated the enemy ship and head below decks to find an imprisoned arsonist...
A Godking strangles the use of the Arcane in an ever expanding crusade in this homebrew world sculpted by volatile magic and cosmic mystery. Spellwind is a Dungeons & Dragons 5e actual play featuring resistance, eco-terrorism, propaganda, and the quest for truth.
Featuring Pumpkinberry, BradWOTO, Wacksteven, Myre, and GM'd by Mythematic

Our Vampires have an enormous choice to make... Will they break the masquerade or will they raise a god of their own?
As above, so below. Læce is a dark and gritty Vampire The Masquerade actual play centering around four chaotic vampires with a lust for freedom, autonomy, and blood. Starring BradWOTO, Mirggles, PeachyPixel8, Pumpkinberry, TuesdayGrey and guest GM GamingFTL.

The group begins more of the tests as fatigue and worry burdens them all.
Icewind Dale is cold and unforgiving, along with most of the people that live there. What will a group of people do to change the fate of all of the land beyond the Spine of the World? Can they fight against winter itself? Join us at our table for the Dungeons and Dragons 5e module: Rime of the Frostmaiden. Starring Aaron Black, Mythematic, PMSProxy, Techniq, Tessachka, Wish, and GM of Doom Wacksteven.

Outside the mines of Dandelo the party must descend into the dungeon for an important piece of the Mistlight puzzle.
Mistlight is a Gothic horror 5e homebrew about four adventurers' journey as they navigate the mysterious and otherworldly mist blanketing the land. Featuring Fairlight_Excalibur, BrutalBri, Leahviathan, DisbeArex, and Easy-Going GM BradWOTO.

The vampires devise a plan to deal with the powerful Fides while Faith heads to the AEC in search of answers.
As above, so below. Læce is a dark and gritty Vampire The Masquerade actual play centering around four chaotic vampires with a lust for freedom, autonomy, and blood. Starring BradWOTO, Mirggles, PeachyPixel8, Pumpkinberry, TuesdayGrey and guest GM GamingFTL.

The group begins the Frostmaiden's Test of Preservation and Nyssa sees some familiar sights.
Icewind Dale is cold and unforgiving, along with most of the people that live there. What will a group of people do to change the fate of all of the land beyond the Spine of the World? Can they fight against winter itself? Join us at our table for the Dungeons and Dragons 5e module: Rime of the Frostmaiden. Starring Aaron Black, Mythematic, PMSProxy, Techniq, Tessachka, Wish, and GM of Doom Wacksteven.
The party are planning to steal a transport ship to help them sneak into an old dwarven prison...
A Godking strangles the use of the Arcane in an ever expanding crusade in this homebrew world sculpted by volatile magic and cosmic mystery. Spellwind is a Dungeons & Dragons 5e actual play featuring resistance, eco-terrorism, propaganda, and the quest for truth.
Featuring Pumpkinberry, BradWOTO, Wacksteven, Myre, and GM'd by Mythematic

Connie and Darius face off after the events of last episode. Lake tries to figure out who she has become and the rest of the group have a meeting with a cautious mage.
As above, so below. Læce is a dark and gritty Vampire The Masquerade actual play centering around four chaotic vampires with a lust for freedom, autonomy, and blood. Starring BradWOTO, Mirggles, PeachyPixel8, Pumpkinberry, TuesdayGrey and guest GM GamingFTL.

The party ventures into the Ice Giant Fortress: Grimskalle, in search of the Codicil of White, and Auril, the Frostmaiden.
Icewind Dale is cold and unforgiving, along with most of the people that live there. What will a group of people do to change the fate of all of the land beyond the Spine of the World? Can they fight against winter itself? Join us at our table for the Dungeons and Dragons 5e module: Rime of the Frostmaiden. Starring Aaron Black, Mythematic, PMSProxy, Techniq, Tessachka, Wish, and GM of Doom Wacksteven.

The party have arrived at Dandelo in search of their stolen items. They now spring a trap on the thieves!
Mistlight is a Gothic horror 5e homebrew about four adventurers' journey as they navigate the mysterious and otherworldly mist blanketing the land. Featuring Fairlight_Excalibur, BrutalBri, Leahviathan, DisbeArex, and Easy-Going GM BradWOTO.