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Tag: BradWOTO

Leech: Revolution – Trailer

So much has changed in a year... As above, so below. Læce is a dark and gritty Vampire The Masquerade actual play centering around four chaotic vampires with a lust for freedom, autonomy, and blood. Starring BradWOTO, Mirggles, PeachyPixel8, Pumpkinberry, TuesdayGrey and guest GM GamingFTL.

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Spellwind – Ep. 5 – The Flare and the Flame

The mines are laced with sulfuric explosive traps. Time to see whether the party's improvised strategy goes to plan... A Godking strangles the use of the Arcane in an ever expanding crusade in this homebrew world sculpted by volatile magic and cosmic mystery. Spellwind is a Dungeons & Dragons 5e actual play featuring resistance, eco-terrorism, propaganda, and the quest for truth. Featuring Pumpkinberry, BradWOTO, Wacksteven, Myre, and GM'd by Mythematic

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Spellwind – Ep. 4 – I Have No Plan

After the dangerous encounter with the trolls, the party continues on to the dwarven hold at the Dancurt Mines. A Godking strangles the use of the Arcane in an ever expanding crusade in this homebrew world sculpted by volatile magic and cosmic mystery. Spellwind is a Dungeons & Dragons 5e actual play featuring resistance, eco-terrorism, propaganda, and the quest for truth. Featuring Pumpkinberry, BradWOTO, Wacksteven, Myre, and GM'd by Mythematic

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Spellwind – Ep. 3 – A Thing Called Hope

The Entante flees Walden with two Sworn in tow. They set up camp and plan their next move... A Godking strangles the use of the Arcane in an ever expanding crusade in this homebrew world sculpted by volatile magic and cosmic mystery. Spellwind is a Dungeons & Dragons 5e actual play featuring resistance, eco-terrorism, propaganda, and the quest for truth. Featuring Pumpkinberry, BradWOTO, Wacksteven, Myre, and GM'd by Mythematic

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Mistlight – Ep. 24 – The Bath, The Beast, and Molasses

Will sees a glimpse into the past, Murlin searches for a key ingredient to learning a new spell, Fix reads a book and Fire does a fantastic impression of a dog. Mistlight is a Gothic horror 5e homebrew about four adventurers' journey as they navigate the mysterious and otherworldly mist blanketing the land. Featuring Fairlight_Excalibur, BrutalBri, Leahviathan, DisbeArex, and Easy-Going GM BradWOTO.

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Mistlight – Ep. 23 – Jeyrus

After traveling with Guiness, the group arrive at Jeyrus following up on the information they found on the writ. Mistlight is a Gothic horror 5e homebrew about four adventurers' journey as they navigate the mysterious and otherworldly mist blanketing the land. Featuring Fairlight_Excalibur, BrutalBri, Leahviathan, DisbeArex, and Easy-Going GM BradWOTO.

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Mistlight – Ep. 22 – The Beast

The party are hired by a merchant to accompany and protect him and his wares on the road to Jeyrus. Mistlight is a Gothic horror 5e homebrew about four adventurers' journey as they navigate the mysterious and otherworldly mist blanketing the land. Featuring Fairlight_Excalibur, BrutalBri, Leahviathan, DisbeArex, and Easy-Going GM BradWOTO.

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Spellwind – Ep. 2 – I’ll Do It Myself

Evening has fallen on the Spine. And it is pleasant for all those that are 𝘯𝘰𝘵 in Walden. An alarm is raised. A bomb is armed. A Godking strangles the use of the Arcane in an ever expanding crusade in this homebrew world sculpted by volatile magic and cosmic mystery. Spellwind is a Dungeons & Dragons 5e actual play featuring resistance, eco-terrorism, propaganda, and the quest for truth. Featuring Pumpkinberry, BradWOTO, Wacksteven, Myre, and GM'd by Mythematic

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Mistlight – Ep. 21 – There and Back Again

After venturing deep into the mist, the party are halfway back to Kull when they are attacked by spore covered Myconids. Mistlight is a Gothic horror 5e homebrew about four adventurers' journey as they navigate the mysterious and otherworldly mist blanketing the land. Featuring Fairlight_Excalibur, BrutalBri, Leahviathan, DisbeArex, and Easy-Going GM BradWOTO.

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