A challenging puzzle lies before our party that determines more then they bargain for.
Starring Bizcotto, Orcishwc, Sarahpeathatsme, Troopersjp, Wacksteven, and GM Pumpkinberry, using the Tidal Blades - Cypher System ruleset.
First clues in hand, the group heads out to get their first artifact.
Starring Bizcotto, Orcishwc, Sarahpeathatsme, Troopersjp, Wacksteven, and GM Pumpkinberry, using the Tidal Blades - Cypher System ruleset.
Let the race begin!
Starring Bizcotto, Orcishwc, Sarahpeathatsme, Troopersjp, Wacksteven, and GM Pumpkinberry, using the Tidal Blades - Cypher System ruleset.
More and more monsters have started to break through the Fold, a barrier of space and time magic protecting the city of Naviri, and the Elders have considered resurrecting the lost order of the Tidal Blades - they need only a new generation of dreamers daring to be heroes.
Starring Bizcotto, Orcishwc, Sarahpeathatsme, Troopersjp, Wacksteven, and…