A dangerous enemy awaits the group as they break into the Warden's office on the Stormford prison island.
A Godking strangles the use of the Arcane in an ever expanding crusade in this homebrew world sculpted by volatile magic and cosmic mystery. Spellwind is a Dungeons & Dragons 5e actual play featuring resistance, eco-terrorism, propaganda, and the quest for truth.
Featuring Pumpkinberry, BradWOTO, Wacksteven, Myre, and GM'd by Mythematic
The party have infiltrated the dangerous ancient fort prison of Stormford but things aren't quite going to plan... Or are they?
A Godking strangles the use of the Arcane in an ever expanding crusade in this homebrew world sculpted by volatile magic and cosmic mystery. Spellwind is a Dungeons & Dragons 5e actual play featuring resistance, eco-terrorism, propaganda, and the quest for truth.
Featuring Pumpkinberry, BradWOTO, Wacksteven, Myre, and GM'd by Mythematic
The party arrive at Stormford and the long awaited prison break begins. But will everything go to plan?
A Godking strangles the use of the Arcane in an ever expanding crusade in this homebrew world sculpted by volatile magic and cosmic mystery. Spellwind is a Dungeons & Dragons 5e actual play featuring resistance, eco-terrorism, propaganda, and the quest for truth.
Featuring Pumpkinberry, BradWOTO, Wacksteven, Myre, and GM'd by Mythematic
The party have infiltrated the enemy ship and head below decks to find an imprisoned arsonist...
A Godking strangles the use of the Arcane in an ever expanding crusade in this homebrew world sculpted by volatile magic and cosmic mystery. Spellwind is a Dungeons & Dragons 5e actual play featuring resistance, eco-terrorism, propaganda, and the quest for truth.
Featuring Pumpkinberry, BradWOTO, Wacksteven, Myre, and GM'd by Mythematic
The party are planning to steal a transport ship to help them sneak into an old dwarven prison...
A Godking strangles the use of the Arcane in an ever expanding crusade in this homebrew world sculpted by volatile magic and cosmic mystery. Spellwind is a Dungeons & Dragons 5e actual play featuring resistance, eco-terrorism, propaganda, and the quest for truth.
Featuring Pumpkinberry, BradWOTO, Wacksteven, Myre, and GM'd by Mythematic
Out on the open sea, barely escaping the closing fist of the God King's Sworn, the party must now sail out and prepare their next move.
A Godking strangles the use of the Arcane in an ever expanding crusade in this homebrew world sculpted by volatile magic and cosmic mystery. Spellwind is a Dungeons & Dragons 5e actual play featuring resistance, eco-terrorism, propaganda, and the quest for truth.
Featuring Pumpkinberry, BradWOTO, Wacksteven, Myre, and GM'd by Mythematic
The party enact and elaborate plan that involves lots of enemy soldiers, griffons, ships and a Buttocks.
A Godking strangles the use of the Arcane in an ever expanding crusade in this homebrew world sculpted by volatile magic and cosmic mystery. Spellwind is a Dungeons & Dragons 5e actual play featuring resistance, eco-terrorism, propaganda, and the quest for truth.
Featuring Pumpkinberry, BradWOTO, Wacksteven, Myre, and GM'd by Mythematic
The group scout out the blockade south of Ghalfish. Ty and Smith scout out the encampment while Varsha and Djett come up with a plan of action.
A Godking strangles the use of the Arcane in an ever expanding crusade in this homebrew world sculpted by volatile magic and cosmic mystery. Spellwind is a Dungeons & Dragons 5e actual play featuring resistance, eco-terrorism, propaganda, and the quest for truth.
Featuring Pumpkinberry, BradWOTO, Wacksteven, Myre, and GM'd by Mythematic
The party are back to full strength and finally head out towards Ghalfish. Along the way a night of camping leads to some heavy conversations.
A Godking strangles the use of the Arcane in an ever expanding crusade in this homebrew world sculpted by volatile magic and cosmic mystery. Spellwind is a Dungeons & Dragons 5e actual play featuring resistance, eco-terrorism, propaganda, and the quest for truth.
Featuring Pumpkinberry, BradWOTO, Wacksteven, Myre, and GM'd by Mythematic
Two party members are absorbed into the trees of the magical grove and the party, while split, must figure out how to free them and find the antidote for Ty.
A Godking strangles the use of the Arcane in an ever expanding crusade in this homebrew world sculpted by volatile magic and cosmic mystery. Spellwind is a Dungeons & Dragons 5e actual play featuring resistance, eco-terrorism, propaganda, and the quest for truth.
Featuring Pumpkinberry, BradWOTO, Wacksteven, Myre, and GM'd by Mythematic