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Author page: wacksteven

Ashes of Eriador – Ep. 17 – I Didn’t Eat Dinner

The company leaves Tharbad at the request of Amelia Kern, in the hopes of learning what happened to some family friends. We're going on an adventure, and you're invited to join our fellowship. Join our cast of roleplayers in a homebrew setting of Lord of the Rings in the greatest story never told. The realm of Eriador lies on the brink of outright collapse as the shadows grow in the east, what can but a few with the spark of adventure do amidst it all? Featuring: Aaron Black, Fairlight_Excalibur, Mirggles, Myre, Pumpkinberry, and Wacksteven: Loremaster of Mount Doom.

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Rise of the Apprentice – Ep. 7 – Chase

A starship chase has begun! Can the party escape the clutches of the empire once again? Four padawan Jedi lost on a simple training mission are separated from their masters, from the republic and from the clone troopers when the devastating galaxy-wide Order 66 is issued. Tablestory presents a Fantasy Flight Games Star Wars Roleplaying Adventure. Featuring: BoosterGreg, Cord, Orcish, and Pumpkinberry with GM: BradWOTO

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Rise of the Apprentice – Ep. 6 – Shiplifting

Tensions are high and the empire are hot on the tails of our heroes. Can they escape dark Umbara unscathed? Four padawan Jedi lost on a simple training mission are separated from their masters, from the republic and from the clone troopers when the devastating galaxy-wide Order 66 is issued. Tablestory presents a Fantasy Flight Games Star Wars Roleplaying Adventure. Featuring: BoosterGreg, Cord, Orcish, and Pumpkinberry with GM: BradWOTO

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Ashes of Eriador – Ep. 16 – A House of Magic

The company speaks to Amelia Kern and learns of her intentions with Tharbad. We're going on an adventure, and you're invited to join our fellowship. Join our cast of roleplayers in a homebrew setting of Lord of the Rings in the greatest story never told. The realm of Eriador lies on the brink of outright collapse as the shadows grow in the east, what can but a few with the spark of adventure do amidst it all? Featuring: Aaron Black, Fairlight_Excalibur, Mirggles, Myre, Pumpkinberry, and Wacksteven: Loremaster of Mount Doom.

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