A group of test subjects emerge from chamber pods to discover a lot more time has passed than they initially signed up for.
Zero.Blue.Orion is a comedic anime-style mecha show using the Lancer RPG system and follows several test subjects as they try to stop an impending disaster that could undo thousands of years of work.
Featuring Mythematic, helloitskolo, FistofTheWalrus, BradWOTO, Pumpkinberry, and GM of Doom Wacksteven.
The four chosen warriors arrive at their first destination, the scorching desert of Dust Vale, and it quickly becomes apparent just how dangerous this journey might be...
When the gods deem mortals too powerful, they decree a race between their Avatar and the mortals to determine their worth. This race is the final command of the gods to their mortal counterparts. This is their Dying order.
Dying Order is a D&D5e homebrew actual play with GM BradWOTO and featuring DisbeArex, KatiePetersPlays, Pokket, and Pumpkinberry. Return to the world of Lacrin Sundays starting Sept 8th.
Memories begin to slip away as Coralei tries to reach out to the rest of the group, who races to meet back up with her.
Simulacrum is a sci-fi fantasy show in which the players try to survive in “the world’s first virtual tabletop rpg" Numenera : The Ninth World. What would you do if you couldn’t leave your favorite game?
Featuring Brotatoe, Mythematic, Negaoryx, Pokket and Pumpkinberry and Administrator Wacksteven.
Brad drops a massive amount of lore on all of you, as per the poll demands! All hail the cu... poll.
The Athmore PD race against the clock to figure out what they can before the case is taken away... or worse, it spirals out of control.
What if you could no longer determine what in the world around you was real or not real? What would you give to get that certainty back? Nocturne is a mature, supernatural thriller Unknown Armies tabletop RPG actual play about what lurks in the darkest places.
Featuring Amelia Tyler, ClassyKatie, ClassyPax, DomesticDan, Ezekiel_III, KatiePetersPlays, and narrator Pumpkinberry.
The group head to the Guide of Knowledge to uncover the information they need for their mission. While there they attempt to heal some open wounds.
Spell and sword clash in a world where the ancient magic of the Magi await those courageous and resourceful enough to find it. Darkfire is a twisty D&D 5e liveplay fantasy drama full of intrigue and powerlust that follows four adventurers bound together by a mysterious deity.
Featuring JonSandman, Pumpkinberry, TigerWriter, Wacksteven and DM BradWOTO.
A group of test subjects emerge from chamber pods to discover a lot more time has passed than they initially signed up for.
Zero.Blue.Orion is a comedic anime-style mecha show using the Lancer RPG system and follows several test subjects as they try to stop an impending disaster that could undo thousands of years of work.
Featuring Mythematic, helloitskolo, FistofTheWalrus, BradWOTO, Pumpkinberry, and GM of Doom Wacksteven.
Four will be chosen. The fate of the world rests on their shoulders.
When the gods deem mortals too powerful, they decree a race between their Avatar and the mortals to determine their worth. This race is the final command of the gods to their mortal counterparts. This is their Dying order.
Dying Order is a D&D5e homebrew actual play with GM BradWOTO and featuring DisbeArex, KatiePetersPlays, Pokket, and Pumpkinberry. Return to the world of Lacrin Sundays starting Sept 8th.
The group tries to reconnect, while one makes a life-changing decision that may haunt them forever.
Featuring Brotatoe, Mythematic, Negaoryx, Pokket and Pumpkinberry and Administrator Wacksteven.
Nineteen witnesses an apparition, Irodyr strikes out on his own and Rin attempts to garner some information from her former organization.