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Author page: Tablestory

Dying Order – Ep. 38 – Spring

The group must defend a small sapling from assailants while Aura comes to learn some things about herself from an odd entity. When the gods deem mortals too powerful, they decree a race between their Avatar and the mortals to determine their worth. This race is the final command of the gods to their mortal counterparts. This is their Dying order. Dying Order is a D&D5e homebrew actual play with GM BradWOTO and featuring DisbeArex, KatiePetersPlays, Pokket, and Pumpkinberry. Return to the world of Lacrin Sundays starting Sept 8th.

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Facade – Ep. 11 – Take Out

Remy and Quinn gaze down the barrel of a gun, Dr. Copeland tries to negotiate for what she wants, Max tries to get some much-needed help, and Professor Charles makes a bargain. Explore the depths of corruption, redemption, and salvation while the world is in chaos. What happens when the illusion of our reality crumbles? Will you see through the Facade? Featuring Pumpkinberry, Nikatine, JayBritton, AmeliaTyler, Temp0, and GM of Doom Wacksteven.

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Witchcraft and Wizardry – Year 2 Ep. 1 – Welcome Back

S.W.O.F.F. returns to Hogwarts as we join the players for the beginning of their second year, as some unexpected visitors join the Start-of-Term Feast. Witchcraft & Wizardry is a magical adventure in the world of Harry Potter using Tablestory's very own ruleset by the same name. Join us in the halls of Hogwarts as we follow the adventures of students trying to make their way into the Wizarding World to find out what adventures and mysteries lay before them. Featuring HelloitsKolo, LuxieGames, Mirggles, NegaOryx, Zcotticus, and Headmaster of Doom Wacksteven.

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GONE – Ep 14 – You Don’t Have Any Friends

Dex remembers something he forgot. Autumn plays war. Blake plays dress up. Who are we but our memories? What if our memories are wrong? GONE is an episodic, surreal thriller actual play using the new Nibiru system about identity, memory, and what makes us who we are. Featuring BradWOTO, Elspeth, JonSandman, KatiePetersPlays, Ezekiel_III, ClassyKatie, and narrator of mood Pumpkinberry.

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Zero.Blue.Orion – Ep. 40 – One and the Same

The group discovers the history of the planet they've landed on and what awaits them is more than they could have expected. Zero.Blue.Orion is a comedic anime-style mecha show using the Lancer RPG system and follows several test subjects as they try to stop an impending disaster that could undo thousands of years of work. Featuring Mythematic, JayBriton, FistofTheWalrus, BradWOTO, Pumpkinberry, and GM of Doom Wacksteven.

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Dying Order – Ep. 37 – There Is No Door I Cannot Pass

Free of the land of the dead but not quite home yet the group must figure out how to return to their Boundary and decide which door to enter next. When the gods deem mortals too powerful, they decree a race between their Avatar and the mortals to determine their worth. This race is the final command of the gods to their mortal counterparts. This is their Dying order. Dying Order is a D&D5e homebrew actual play with GM BradWOTO and featuring DisbeArex, KatiePetersPlays, Pokket, and Pumpkinberry. Return to the world of Lacrin Sundays starting Sept 8th.

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Facade – Ep. 10 – The Nature of Human Cruelty

Professor Charles considers a bargain, Dr. Copeland reaches out, and Remy and Quinn talk about Quinn's past. Explore the depths of corruption, redemption, and salvation while the world is in chaos. What happens when the illusion of our reality crumbles? Will you see through the Facade? Featuring Pumpkinberry, Nikatine, JayBritton, AmeliaTyler, Temp0, and GM of Doom Wacksteven.

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GONE – Ep 13 – I Know I Know You

Dex risks everything. Autumn and Blake make a decision. Who are we but our memories? What if our memories are wrong? GONE is an episodic, surreal thriller actual play using the new Nibiru system about identity, memory, and what makes us who we are. Featuring BradWOTO, Elspeth, JonSandman, KatiePetersPlays, Ezekiel_III, ClassyKatie, and narrator of mood Pumpkinberry.

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Zero.Blue.Orion – Ep. 39 – Prime Target

The fight escalates as the group tries to get past the gate and its guardians. Zero.Blue.Orion is a comedic anime-style mecha show using the Lancer RPG system and follows several test subjects as they try to stop an impending disaster that could undo thousands of years of work. Featuring Mythematic, JayBriton, FistofTheWalrus, BradWOTO, Pumpkinberry, and GM of Doom Wacksteven.

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Dying Order – Ep. 36 – Dust to Dust

After traveling through the land of the dead the group face off against the God of Death, Myrkul. When the gods deem mortals too powerful, they decree a race between their Avatar and the mortals to determine their worth. This race is the final command of the gods to their mortal counterparts. This is their Dying order. Dying Order is a D&D5e homebrew actual play with GM BradWOTO and featuring DisbeArex, KatiePetersPlays, Pokket, and Pumpkinberry. Return to the world of Lacrin Sundays starting Sept 8th.

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